gym person with barbell pad

Best Exercises To Grow Your Glutes

You clicked on this article for one thing and one thing ONLY--because you want to grow your glutes, right? 

In this article in particular, we will be discussing exercises to grow the largest glute muscle, the gluteus maximus.

This page is the only one that you'll need from now on in order to have the best exercises included in your weekly glute day routines. In this article, I'll be sharing the top five glute movements that have not only helped me personally gain glute growth over the years, but are also backed up by research studies that were done on glute growth by a credible source, the National Library of Medicine.

Picture of credibility for glute growth

Here's a picture for my credibility; almost three years worth of weight training.


Squat Variations

Picture of person squatting

Now, let's begin from the bottom of the list, starting with squats. You may have heard here and there that squats are essential for growing the glutes. In fact, you may have heard that they are the best exercise for glute growth. 

Sorry to break it to you, but they are in fact not the best. 

Now, hear me out. This isn't to say that they do not help grow your glutes at all, they are mentioned in this list for a reason; because they are still up there! However, we want to focus in on exercises that will help activate your glutes more than anything (meaning that you feel the exercise in the glutes and it targets glutes more than any other muscle). 

See, the main problem with squats is that squats build overall leg growth, including glutes, but not mainly glutes. Given this information, there are still ways you can tweak your squats in order to target the glutes more.

Let's take a normal back squat for example. These will only give you a moderate level of glute activation. By easily changing that back squat to a front squat, you get a higher level of glute activation, according to the NLM.

Another little tip for tweaking your squat in order to target your glutes, try stepping your legs out to the side a little more than you normally do, almost like you are going to sumo squat. This is going to be one of the most important factors in targeting your glutes when squatting, as mentioned on the NLM (National Library of Medicine website). "For example, Paoli et al. () suggested that larger stance widths (1,5 and 2x great trochanter distance) are necessary for greater activation of the GMax during the back squat." (Neto, Soares, Vieiera, Aguiar, Chola, Sampaio, Gama, 2020).

With that being said, squats are still a totally great option to include in your glute day routine, as long as you add these few tweaks to make it more glute focused. Just don't forget to add other exercises into that same routine that will target your glutes even more!

Split Squats

 Person performing split squat exercise 

Our next topic on the discussion of glute exercises are split squats. Now you may be thinking, 'did we not just talk about squats?' 

Well, no, because this one is different. Hear me out!

In this exercise, you are hitting your glutes one side at a time. According to NLM, split squats have a rating of very high for glute activation. The way the squat movement becomes unilateral allows for a deeper stretch in the glute area versus doing a normal back or front squat. 

If you are ever considering doing these, make sure you keep a 90° angle in the working leg (look at picture for reference) and push your hips back as you lower your body in the movement. As you push up, focus on pushing with the heel of your foot rather than your toes. Think of it as going up and down an escalator. 

This is the best way you can tweak this movement in order to get that glute activation, resulting in bigger, stronger glutes over time!


Romanian Deadlift

Person performing Romanian Deadlift exercise

In third place, we have Romanian deadlifts! Now, in the beginning of this article I mentioned that we'd be going based off my experience AND studies from NLM. This exercise in particular wasn't really mentioned in there, but I'm adding it onto the list for a great reason, and I'll explain why.

To keep it short, stiff-legged deadlifts were mentioned and included in the lower portion of the list, which are better for hamstrings. Whereas RDLs, which was not mentioned, are similar, however they do a way better job of targeting the glutes, so it's one worth mentioning in the top glute exercises.

This exercise works your glutes in the lengthened position. You're standing and pushing your hips back in order to get a real good stretch in the glutes, and that is what makes this exercise so good!

In order to make it as glute-focused as possible, keep a slight bend in your knees to take away from feeling it in the hamstrings. You will still be working the hamstrings though, which is normal, but overall, your glutes will be on fire!


Hip Thrusts or KAS Glute Bridges

Now for the second top best exercise for glutes: hip thrusts and/or KAS glute bridges!

I mention these together because they are pretty similar but are different variations of glute bridges. 

Hip thrusts are amazing for the glutes and are a MUST-HAVE in the glute day routine. This exercise works your glutes in the shortened position, given that when you push up, your hamstrings and glutes shorten as you are squeezing at the top of the movement. It is good to pair this exercise with something like RDLs, so that you have a shortened position movement and a lengthened position movement in your routine for maximum gains.

KAS glute bridges go hand in hand with these because while hip thrusts target your glutes as well as some hamstrings, KAS glute bridges are even MORE glute-focused than hip thrusts! You feel a crazy burn, specifically in the glutes, when performing these.

The difference is that in KAS glute bridges, you simply have a shorter range of motion. In hip thrusts, one lowers their body as low as possible to then push themselves up to the top of the movement. However, in KAS glute bridges, it is more of a somewhat pulsing movement, therefore, placing more tension in your glutes than hamstrings.

Now the main keys to this movement: make sure your knees are at 90° at the top of the movement, push up through your heels, keep your torso straight throughout the movement, and ensure that the edge of bench you are lying on is positioned right under your shoulder blades.



We've reached the number one exercise for maximum glute growth: step ups!

Looking at the chart in Table 3 included in the NLM Glute Maximus Activation study, step-ups are considered number one with finding of highest glute activation exercise included in the study!

I have yet to actually perform these myself, except one time where I tried it out and let me tell you, I really felt them in the glutes to be so honest with you.

We have four variations of step-ups, which are all included in the research study in this particular order from best, to well, least best because none of them are the worst. They are all the top four glute movements included in the study for glute activation!

1. Step-up

2. Lateral Step-Up

3. Diagonal Step-Up

4. Crossover Step-Up

In order to do these correctly to feel them in your glutes, make sure you have something to grab onto for stability. 

These are somewhat similar to split squats, where you have to hinge your hips back and push up through your heel in order to get that glute working more than anything. It can be a little tricky, but if you get the hang of it, you'll be glad you learned it!


Final Thoughts

In this article, we covered the best glute movements not only included in a research study, but also which include some of MY favorite glute day movements which have contributed tons to my journey of going from a pancake to a cake. 

Just remember that there are so many other factors that go into growing your muscles like eating enough protein, getting form down correctly, training close to failure, mind to muscle connection, and most importantly, being consistent.

Don't forget that my small business, PUMPHYSICS, offers great fitness gear in order to also help maximize your glute growth! There may be certain obstacles within these exercises that you may need over time in order to keep growing, and my fitness gear (affordable and reliable) will help you overcome it! Best of all, those same fitness pieces also come in kits for an EVEN BETTER deal!

If you want to know more, or simply just support, make sure you follow me on TikTok and Instagram @pumphysics for more content.




Neto, W. K., Soares, E. G., Vieira, T. L., Aguiar, R., Chola, T. A., Sampaio, V. D. L., & Gama, E. F. (2020, February 24). Gluteus Maximus Activation during Common Strength and Hypertrophy Exercises: A Systematic Review. PubMed Central. Retrieved March 4, 2024, from,%3E60%25%20of%201RM).

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